Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) Help


Syntax: LEGEND ENTRY number type “description” [scale] ...

Adds a new symbology and description to the legend. If the LEGEND ENTRY command is specified outside the validate rules, it will always be part of the legend. If it is placed inside the validate part of a script, it may or may not be part of the legend depending on whether any elements satisfying the SETUP filters are found. Otherwise, the validate rules will not be executed and the LEGEND ENTRY will not be added.

The number parameter specifies on which line number the current LEGEND ENTRY should be placed in the legend. Valid numbers are 1-60. It is not required to specify the legend numbers in order. The script automatically sorts the legend entries in the proper numerical order.

The graphical appearance of the legend entry is defined by the current settings of the CO, WT, and LS variables at the time the LEGEND ENTRY command is executed. However, the symbology of the descriptive text is defined by the LEGEND FONT and LEGEND SYMBOLOGY commands.

The type parameter defines the type of legend symbol. Specify one of the following types:

  • LINE – A line is drawn using the current symbology settings.

  • SHAPE – A rectangular shape is drawn. The shape may be outlined or filled with a pattern.

  • CIRCLE – A circle is drawn. The circle may be outlined or filled with a pattern.

  • CELL – A cell is drawn.

  • TEXT – Text is drawn (normally using a symbol font).

  • EMPTY – No legend graphics is drawn.

Patterns used with SHAPE or CIRCLE type legend entries must be specified as the last part of the LEGEND ENTRY command:

LEGEND ENTRY line SHAPE “description” [scale] [pattern1 [pattern2 [pattern3]]] LEGEND ENTRY line CIRCLE “description” [scale] [pattern1 [pattern2 [pattern3]]]

The patterns must have been previously defined using the DEFINE PATTERN command.

The description parameter is descriptive text that is drawn to the right of the legend symbol.

The scale parameter modifies the size of the symbol in the legend entry. The scale should be specified in the range 0.0 - 1.0

The following example shows a script that uses the LEGEND commands: s